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Our official Cloud offering is the easiest way to start using Linkwarden and is typically more affordable than renting a VPS.

Plus, your subscription supports both the development and the continuous improvement of the app for everyone!

Alternatively, if you prefer self-hosting Linkwarden, no problem! You still have access to all the core features.

Here you can find everything you need to setup a fully fledged Linkwarden instance on your own server.


Hardware Requirements

Linkwarden has a pretty minimal hardware requirements - it was tested on a 2gb VPS and it ran pretty smoothly, the most intense part is when you build the app, but once it's running it's relatively lightweight.

Docker 🐋


  • Docker
  • Git

1. Clone the Linkwarden repository

$ git clone
$ cd linkwarden

2. Configure the Environment Variables

Inside the /linkwarden folder, create a file named .env, open it and paste the following text inside it:


The only thing you MUST change here is YOUR_POSTGRES_PASSWORD and VERY_SENSITIVE_SECRET, they both should be different secret phrases.

The NEXTAUTH_URL should be changed to your domain name only if you are hosting it somewhere else.

3. Run it!

In the main folder (where you create the .env file) simply run the following:

$ docker compose up

After a few minutes (depending on your internet connection) you can access Linkwarden via http://localhost:3000 (or whichever hostname you deployed Linkwarden on).


Manual Installation


The Manual Installation is targeted towards a more technical audience, to take a easier path, go for installation using Docker.


1. Clone the Linkwarden repository

$ git clone
$ cd linkwarden

2. Install the necessary dependancies

$ yarn
$ npx playwright install-deps

3. Configure the Environment Variables

Inside the /linkwarden folder, create a file named .env, open it and paste the following text inside it:


The only thing you MUST change here is VERY_SENSITIVE_SECRET and DATABASE_URL.

The NEXTAUTH_URL should be changed to your domain name only if you are hosting it somewhere else.

4. Build and setup the database:

$ yarn build
$ yarn prisma migrate deploy

5. Start the app:

$ yarn start